Parental authority - Child custody
Private investigator approved for investigation into child custody and disputes relating to the exercise of parental authority
Litigation related to child custody
How PROCAP DETECTIVE can help you
We seek and establish evidence in custody and parenting litigation so that you can take legal action and effectively defend your interests and those of your child
Following a divorce or separation, the issue of custody of children is sometimes a source of conflict and tension. Except for serious reasons, the exercise of parental authority is devolved to both parents equally. Separation, in principle, has no impact on their obligations of education, contribution to maintenance, but also on their parental rights, particularly as regards the maintenance of any personal contact with their child (art. 372 and following of the Civil Code). In the event of a contentious separation, it is up to the judge to decide where the child resides, based on the best interests of the child and the respective abilities of both parents.
Do you want to check your child’s care conditions? Do you suspect shortcomings or deficiencies in the education and maintenance of your child? Your parental rights have not been respected? Whether as part of checks on the conditions of custody, or in view of a request to review the terms of accommodation and access, PROCAP DETECTIVE carries out discreet and objective investigations at your request to clarify a given situation, remove your doubts, or constitute evidence to assert your rights.
Our investigations may concern:
Record of change of address and place of residence
Material and emotional conditions of custody of your child
Existence of educational deficiencies
Suspicion of abuse or endangerment by ascendant or third person
Presence of a third party and its impact on the education and development of your child
Inappropriate behavior in the presence of your child: alcohol, narcotics, non-compliance with safety rules, corruption of minors by ascendant, etc.
No-show for children
Our findings are supported by objective and reasoned circumstantial reports. These are intended to draw a statement of the real conditions in which your child lives, and enlighten justice in case of bad faith of your former spouse. Indeed, our investigations are carried out in complete discretion, and our reports can be produced in court.
Investigation for Adultery and Infidelity (marriage and civil partnership)
Disputes relating to Support and Compensatory Benefit
Disputes relating to the exercise of parental authority and child custody
Lifestyle and Attendance Survey
Investigation for Inheritance Receipt and Inheritance Capture
Survey for Addiction and behavioral drift