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Legal Notice

Legal information & contact details


Direction : Monsieur Allal GUERROUMI

N°SIRET 789 171 337 00056

Head office : 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg - 83000 TOULON - FRANCE

Code APE/NAF: 8030 Z (Activité enquête)

Legal form: Individual Enterprise Liberal Profession (EI)

Registration date: 10 November 2012

Intra-Community VAT: FR 06789171337



Contact form on the agency’s website

Approval and authorization

The activity of "private research officer" and/or "private law investigator" and/or "private detective", is a profession regulated by Law no. 2003-239 of 18 March 2003 and governed by the provisions of Book VI – Title II of the Code de la sécurité intérieure (CSI).

Article L621-1 of the Internal Security Code provides: 'The provisions of this Title shall apply to a profession which consists, for a person, of collecting information or information intended for the defence of their interests, even without stating their status or revealing the purpose of their mission".

The firm certifies to be in good standing with respect to regulatory and reporting obligations relating to its profession. He thus has the “Authorization to practise” for the institution, and his officer benefits individually from the “Personal Certification of the officer” as well as the “Professional Card.”

Our approvals and authorizations to practice:

Executive Approval No.: AGD-083-2028-03-07-20230309637
Establishment Authorization No.: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925
Professional Card No.: CAR-083- 2027-08-05-20220309637


In accordance with the provisions of the Internal Security Code (ISC), the authorization, approval and professional card numbers appear on all documents issued by the Firm, such as Specifications, Invoices, Agreements or Reports, as well as in all correspondence. Upon simple request and without formalities, the Firm makes available to any applicant, subject to valid proof of identity, the original documents justifying the holding of these titles and authorizations. Verification of these titles and authorizations may be requested by mail, mail or telephone, from the "Conseil National des Activités Privées de Sécurité" (CNAPS), at the following coordinates:

CNAPS – Délégation territoriale Sud-Est

6, allée Turcat Mery – CS 30028

13295 MARSEILLE Cedex 08

Tél :

Requests for securities checks and authorizations can also be made using the teleservice called "DRAKAR", approved by the CNAPS, by going to the following address:

It is recalled that the authorization of exercise does not confer any prerogative of public power to the enterprise or to the persons who benefit from it (Art. L612-14 of the Code of the internal security) and that the activity carried out there, falling under the activity of investigation (Private Detective Research Officer) is exclusive of all other activities mentioned in Article L611-1 of the Internal Security Code (security and security, cash transportation, bodyguard).

To know the conditions for issuing titles and authorizations to carry out the activity of private research agencies, refer to the provisions of the Internal Security Code: Article L622-1 to L622-24 and R622-1 to R622-35.

RCPro Professional Liability Insurance

In accordance with article L622-5 of the CSI, the agency has taken out professional liability insurance covering the risks inherent in the activity of private law detective-investigating agencies, or RC PRO, with the company:



RCS ROUEN 775 701 485,

Siège social 66 rue de Sotteville

76100 ROUEN

N°CONTRAT D'ASSURANCE: 980001174867P30

Code of ethics

PROCAP DETECTIVE is subject to the ethics of natural or legal persons exercising private security activities (Articles R631-1 to R631-32 - Decree No. 2012-870 of 10 July 2012 on the Code of ethics for natural or legal persons exercising private security activities.) Consulter le Code de déontologie des personnes physiques ou morales exerçant des activités privées de sécurité.


The Cabinet PROCAP DETECTIVE, as its activity is governed by the provisions of Book VI – Title II of the Code of Internal Security, falls within the scope of attributions of the CNAPS. Established by Law 2011-267 of 14 March 2011, the National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS) is a public administrative institution placed under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior and responsible on behalf of the French State for the control and supervision of companies and private security actors. The CNAPS is charged with an administrative police mission by issuing authorizations for legal and natural persons; a disciplinary mission by monitoring compliance with Book VI of the Internal Security Code; and finally, a mission of advice and assistance to the profession to accompany its developments within the framework of the law, remind it of the regulations and promote the professionalization of the sector.

Right to use Consumer Mediation

Pursuant to Article L.612-1 of the French Consumer Code, professionals dealing with consumers must ensure that they effectively use a consumer mediation system. Article L612-1 of the Consumer Code provides: «Every consumer has the right to use a consumer mediator free of charge for the amicable resolution of the dispute between him and a professional.»

Consumer mediation is defined as a process in which the mediator has the task of facilitating the resolution of a dispute between two parties, one of which is a professional and the other a consumer, a natural person. Mediation is conducted by the mediator with impartiality, competence and efficiency.


The use of mediation is free for the consumer.


PROCAP DETECTIVE entered into an agreement with the consumer mediation centre:


14, Rue Saint-Jean

75017 PARIS

01 89 47 00 14

Find all our news on social networks

  • Facebook / procap detective
  • Instagram / procap detective
  • LinkedIn / procap detective
  • Twitter / procap detective

PROCAP DETECTIVE agency - SIRET number: 789 171 337 00056 - Agency headquarters: 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg – 83000 – TOULON - GSM:

Email: - APE/NAF code: 8030Z Investigation activity - RCPro: 980001174867P30 - CNAPS authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925 - Intracommunity VAT: FR 06789171337

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