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Détective privé - Cumul d’emploi non-autorisé, absentéisme, congé maladie abusif, non-respect des consignes, vol et détournement de biens, non-respect de l’environnement procap detective recherche et administration de la preuve enquêtes

Surveys for Local authorities

Private detective - Unauthorized multiple employment, absenteeism, Undue sick leave, Failure to comply with instructions, Theft and misappropriation of property, Environmental offenses

You are a local authority, administrative authority, public body, and you are having difficulties with one of your agents or with third parties and want to prove it? Accumulation of unauthorized employment, absenteeism, improper sick leave, non-compliance with instructions, theft and misappropriation of property, non-compliance with the environment, our investigation solutions can be a real lever to demonstrate in a legal way any breach or criminal behavior.


As accredited investigative professionals, we have the necessary legal, methodological and technical skills that will help you in the materialization of the alleged acts, in a manner that respects the rules of law and public freedoms.

In administrative law, the regime of proof is that of probationary freedom. In other words, the public authority can prove the facts denounced by any means, including using or relying on reports from surveillance missions and follow-ups carried out by a chartered private detective. Nevertheless, even free, evidence in administrative law must nevertheless respect the principles of "loyalty" and "proportionality". As professionals in the law of evidence, we scrupulously ensure compliance with these principles by ensuring their application during our interventions.


Our investigation processes, carried out with total discretion and strict compliance with the law, allow you to update abusive practices, whether they are the work of a public service officer or third parties, confirm or disprove your presumptions, and if necessary provide you with the material evidence that allows you to support your decisions, or to take legal action.


Our reports, objectives, precise and detailed, are usable in administrative litigation according to a settled jurisprudence which establishes its admissibility.

Investigation for Unauthorized Job Stacking

Improper Sick Leave Investigation

Investigation for theft, complicity in theft or misappropriation of public property

Investigation into illegal waste disposal and landfill

réunion d'affaires
Recherche de personne
agence procap detective toulon détective privé agréé enquêtes investigations surveillances

PROCAP DETECTIVE is here to meet you and study your project

Our responses are complete and detailed

All of our quotations are free

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  • Facebook / procap detective
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  • LinkedIn / procap detective
  • Twitter / procap detective

PROCAP DETECTIVE agency - SIRET number: 789 171 337 00056 - Agency headquarters: 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg – 83000 – TOULON - GSM:

Email: - APE/NAF code: 8030Z Investigation activity - RCPro: 980001174867P30 - CNAPS authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925 - Intracommunity VAT: FR 06789171337

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