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Illegal dumping of waste - Illegal dumping

Private detective approved for investigation into illegal dumping of waste and illegal dumping

Illegal waste dumping & illegal dumping

How PROCAP DETECTIVE can help you

We research and establish evidence of illegal dumping of waste and/or illegal dumping, so that you can take legal action and effectively defend the interests of the community and preserve the environment.

“Illegal waste dumping” and “wild dumping” constitute a real threat to the environment and seriously undermine the harmony of natural spaces and the quality of life of those administered; they most often lead to fires, degradation of spaces, increase health risks (poisoning, injuries), pollution, and destroy natural ecosystems. Strictly prohibited by the law of July 15, 1975, and despite proactive public policies and citizen awareness campaigns, illegal waste dumping and illegal dumping continue to wreak havoc. Household waste, plant waste, chemical waste, bulky items, car wrecks, tires, building materials, etc.


Are you the mayor of a municipality, president of an association, representative of a condominium trustee, or user, and wish to provide proof of illegal waste dumping impacting your municipality or neighborhood? PROCAP DETECTIVE can assist you by providing you with its expertise in field investigations. Our surveillance processes, carried out discreetly, most often make it possible to materialize the modus operandi but also the identification of the authors.

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PROCAP DETECTIVE agency - SIRET number: 789 171 337 00056 - Agency headquarters: 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg – 83000 – TOULON - GSM:

Email: - APE/NAF code: 8030Z Investigation activity - RCPro: 980001174867P30 - CNAPS authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925 - Intracommunity VAT: FR 06789171337

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