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Is there a territorial limit for private investigators?


Private detective Toulon - Can an employee create a business during a work stoppage?
PROCAP DETECTIVE TOULON - Is there a territorial limit for private detectives?

Private detective profession: what about the territorial limit?

The profession of private detective is a profession regulated by the Internal Security Code. Article L621-1 of the Internal Security Code defines the profession of private detective-investigator as "the liberal activity which consists of a person collecting, even reporting on their capacity or revealing the object of their mission, information or information intended for third parties, with a view to defending their interests. The exercise of the profession of detective presupposes, for its holder, the possession of a personal approval, an authorization to practice for the establishment as well as a professional card, these being issued after examination by the National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS), administrative establishment placed under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior, responsible on behalf of the State for the control and regulation of private security activities.

A private detective acts within the framework of the right to the administration of evidence; it may be requested by any person, natural or legal, French or foreign, under private or public law, wishing to establish admissible evidence in the context of legal action for the protection of legitimate interests, or to obtain probative and solidly documented with a view to removing doubts about a given situation or person.

A private detective exercises a profession falling under private law (civil and commercial), he is therefore not subject to any territorial or geographical restriction. A private detective therefore does not know the notion of "territorial jurisdiction", as professions such as police or gendarmerie officers (public law agents), or in certain areas, court officers (lawyers, bailiffs) may know it. , notaries). A detective can therefore intervene anywhere, and investigate throughout the national territory and beyond, without restrictions linked to any administrative division (court of appeal, department, bar, community). The territorial location of his establishment does not imply, for the detective, a geographical restriction, he can operate anywhere on the national territory. This characteristic is essential because the independence of this profession is at stake, offering its components unparalleled responsiveness.

In which geographical areas can the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency operate?

Founded in 2012, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency is established in 9, Boulevard de Strasbourg - 83000 TOULON , in the immediate vicinity of Place de la Liberté in TOULON. In accordance with current regulations, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency benefits from an Authorization to operate issued by the National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS). Its director holds the personal approval of the manager and the obligatory professional card.

PROCAP DETECTIVE is a private detective agency operating primarily in the Var department and the entire PACA region, but it can also operate throughout the national territory as well as abroad. Benefiting from expertise and investigative capabilities that can cover all areas of law, as well as a wide range of legal situations or disputes, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency often intervenes, due to its geographical proximity, in municipalities fromToulon , Draguignan , Fréjus-Saint-Rapahël or Saint-Tropez .

With perfect knowledge of the Riviera and Provençal territory, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency, in addition toVar (83), also operates regularly in the departments of Bouches-du-Rhônes (13) , Alpes -Maritimes (06). ) , Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04) , but also Hautes-Alpe s (05) and Vaucluse (84) .

At the international level, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency also has specific skills and connections firmly anchored (through local correspondents) in Europe, North and South America (Usa-Canada-Brazil), in the West Indies (Guadeloupe - Martinique - Saint-Martin - Saint-Barthélemy - Guyana - Réunion), in North Africa and the Maghreb, in Asia as well as in the Gulf Countries (United Arab Emirates).



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PROCAP DETECTIVE agency - SIRET number: 789 171 337 00056 - Agency headquarters: 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg – 83000 – TOULON - GSM:

Email: - APE/NAF code: 8030Z Investigation activity - RCPro: 980001174867P30 - CNAPS authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925 - Intracommunity VAT: FR 06789171337

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